Coursepacks Overview
Coursepacks are a collection of educational material from multiple sources, giving instructors the opportunity to provide customized, low-cost supplements to students.
This means you can include an instructor’s original material, portions of books, articles, images, class schedules, exams, charts, and more.
The Coursepack Office is available to assist instructors in creating truly customized course materials, that meet their specific teaching requirements, in an easy and efficient manner.
By providing excellent customer service, the Coursepack Office will make sure all of your preparation and hard work is a success.
For additional information, and to take advantage of this valuable resource, we encourage you to contact the Coursepack Office.
Completed coursepacks will be available for purchase at the AS Bookstore.
Printing of copyright material requires permission. Coursepacks will be submitted to the WWU Copyright Office for approval.
Instructors are encouraged to search for copyrighted material in the WWU Library databases as a first option. This material is also available to students at no charge. Electronic reserves can be set up to view collections of articles. See Library Services at
Coursepacks will be reviewed for copyright content, and if needed, permissions will be requested. Payment for copyright permissions are included in the cost of coursepacks.
For use of copyright material, please check with the Library Course Reserves Office (360-650-7593).
Coursepack Requests
Submit a Coursepack Request form. (Make sure form is filled out completely.)
Coursepacks are coordinated by the Coursepack Office, in cooperation with the Print and Copy Center and the AS Bookstore.
For tips on design, assembly and other requirements, see our Coursepack Submission Guide.
Contact Us
Phone: 360-650-7435