International Travel
Traveling Internationally?
Please take a moment to review a few important items:
International Visa Requirements
Carefully review Travel Advisories before traveling and comply with them.
Register online with the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) in order for the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate to better assist you in an emergency.
Strongly recommended: add your trip to Western’s optional Travel Registry so we can contact you in an emergency.
Travelers are required to report to the institution when arriving from a travel health warning area or a pandemic influenza affected area. See Western's Health Policies for more information.
If you are traveling on a Western faculty‐led study abroad program, please consult the Global Learning Programs Safety Toolkit. Contact for more information.
Foreign travelers must review and comply with the WWU Travel Policy: Traveling Outside of the US before traveling for the purpose
s of:-
Faculty‐led study abroad programs
Study abroad programs ‐ foreign institutions, study centers, outside contractors or affiliates
Student exchange programs with a foreign institution
Students doing independent study abroad, including internships
See also: University employee travel abroad to State Department Level 3 or 4 countries due to COVID-19
Fly America Act Information
The Fly America Act mandates the use of U.S. certificated air carriers for federally funded international travel.
Find Fly America Act compliant flights in the Concur Booking Tool.

Flying Internationally: What's allowed?
- Coach airfare
- Visa fees
- Foreign transaction fees
- Required Immunizations and Medical Expenses, including COVID testing, may only be reimbursed with documented claim denied from primary insurance.
- Travel insurance is not a covered expense. Consult your personal health insurance policy for details.
- iNext international health insurance covers medical and accidental expenses in Level 3 or 4 countries, including emergency quarantine coverage. Contact the Ed Abroad Office for details. This is not a reimbursable expense, but the costs are relatively low.
International Meals and Lodging
- Foreign Per Diem Rates To calculate individual meal amounts: Breakfast = 26% Lunch = 29% Dinner = 45% rounded to nearest dollar
- Using Peer to Peer Rental Property